Uh-oh: It's mid-July, and your air conditioning unit is making a funny sound. Don't hesitate to call an HVAC contractor while your family waits in the miserable heat! Call Clements Heating & Air LLC for fast, reliable air conditioning repair services.
We have all the replacement parts needed to repair your unit. We also have a storefront where you can buy the parts to repair the unit on your own, but we recommend that the repair is handled by a professional to ensure it's done properly.
Think your air conditioner might need repairs? Here are four signs that it's time to call an experienced HVAC contractor:
Loud noises are coming from your unit
Your unit isn't keeping your home at the desired temperature
Your home's rooms vary in temperature
The unit not condensating or freezing up
Want to learn more about our services? Call (937) 444-4401 or (513) 734-4401 right away to speak with an experienced HVAC technician.
202 West Main Street
Hamersville, OH 45130
Phone: (937) 444-4401
Alt Phone: (513) 734-4401
Fax: (937) 379-5100
Hours: 24/7
Clements Heating & Air LLC